EAL Policies

EAL Policy-Whole School 

Last reviewed: 20/06/2020

To be reviewed: 31/8/2020

SLT responsible: Carolyn Wilson, Director of Learning Support


In our School the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well being of all the children are important. All children are encouraged to achieve the highest possible standards. We do this by considering each child’s life experiences and needs.

The term EAL (English as an Additional Language) is used when referring to pupils whose main language at home is a language other than English. For some students, English may be a third or fourth language. The policy sets out the school’s aims, objectives and strategies with regards to the needs and skills of EAL pupils.

Children who are learning English as an additional language have skills and knowledge about language similar to monolingual English-speaking children. Their ability to participate in the full curriculum may be in advance of their communication skills in English.

At Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, all pupils for whom English is an additional language should have access to the full curriculum and the full range of co-curricular activities on the same basis as all other pupils.

EAL Aims

  • To give all pupils the opportunity to overcome any barriers to learning and assessment.
  • To welcome and value the cultural, linguist and educational experiences that pupils with EAL bring to the school.
  • To implement school-wide strategies to ensure that EAL pupils are supported in taking part in all activities.
  • To help EAL pupils to become confident and fluent in speaking and listening, reading and writing in English in order to be able to fulfil their academic potential.
  • To identify and make maximum use of the opportunities for modelling fluent English.
  • To encourage and enable parental support in improving children’s attainment.

Strategies for supporting EAL Students

An overview

  • Recognise the child’s mother tongue and boost the child’s self-esteem.
  • Identify the child’s strengths and acknowledge the time it takes to become fluent in an additional language.
  • Pupils who receive assistance with EAL will be fully integrated into school life and will be provided with appropriate support as required.
  • All teaching rooms to be socially and intellectually inclusive, valuing cultural differences and fostering a range of individual identities.

Teaching and Learning - A Whole School Approach

For the majority of their time at school, our EAL pupils will be integrated in all the same classes as our native speaking English pupils. Everyone in the school is therefore responsible for helping our EAL children become more fluent in English. During lessons teachers will:

  • Show differentiated work in their planning.
  • Have high expectations, expect pupils to contribute and give more than single word answers.
  • EAL children are as able as any other children and so they should be set appropriate and challenging learning objectives, with their progress being monitored carefully.
  • Recognise that EAL pupils need more time to process answers.
  • Allow children to use their mother tongue to explore concepts.
  • Give newly arrived children time to absorb English (there is a recognised ‘silent period’ when children understand more English than they use. This passes if their self-confidence is maintained).
  • Use groups to ensure that EAL children hear good models of English.
  • Use collaborative group activities.
  • Provide a range of reading books that highlight the different ways in which English is used.
  • Provide phonic software and audio books as appropriate.
  • Ensure that there are many opportunities for talking to both adults and peers.

EAL support

  • Level One – Quality provision for all
  • Level Two – In-class support
  • Level Three – Small group / 1:1 intervention

Level One

Some EAL students not requiring additional support outside of the classroom will be offered differentiated lessons by the subject specialist teacher / class teacher. This includes vocabulary lists when introducing new topics, visual displays to introduce key words and phrases. The teachers will also take into account their language background and culture and ensure that this is included in the learning environment.

Level Two

This is offered to EAL students in their English subject for Years 3 and above. Students have either been referred by their subject specialist teacher or identified as needing additional support by the EAL department. The EAL team will support the teaching in working with small groups within the class. This includes support with grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, reading, and spelling. Their overall progress is monitored by the class teacher with additional input from the EAL department.

Level Three

The majority of EAL students will receive support in either small groups or 1:1 for grammar, writing, speaking, listening and phonics. For some students, this support is offered instead of undertaking a third language. For example, in Year 3 – 6, EAL support may take place instead of French. In Years 7 and above, EAL support may take place instead of French, Spanish or Latin. Parents are notified of this before support can be offered. The English support is carried out by the EAL team and an individualised program is offered. The number of lessons offered a week varies depending on need.

Admission Arrangements

Pupils with EAL needs are admitted to Cranleigh Abu Dhabi according to the same criteria as other pupils (see 'Admissions’ Policy)

Parents that indicate that their child has less than 2 years in an English-speaking school or have indicated previous EAL support, may be further assessed by the Head of EAL.

The Role of the Parent in EAL

Parents can support their children in the following ways:

  • Notifying the EAL team of any previous support given on admission to the school.
  • Allowing the pupil to be assessed by the EAL teachers to gauge the level and type of support that is required.
  • Reviewing new vocabulary on a regular basis at home.
  • Being in regular contact with the EAL department who are able to offer advise / additional resources to help support their child at home.

The Head of EAL responsibilities include:

  • Assisting in the development, monitoring and evaluation of the EAL policy.
  • Overseeing initial assessment of pupils’ standards of English.
  • Overseeing day to day operation of the school’s EAL policy.
  • Maintain a central record and overseeing the records of all EAL students.
  • Liaising with and advising fellow teachers of EAL students.
  • Liaising with Director of Learning Support / Head of Years and English teachers about individual progress.
  • Managing EAL support teachers and EAL classroom assistants.
  • Liaising with and supporting parents of EAL children.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of each individual programme undertaken by the EAL team is regularly monitored and assessed.
  • Assisting with the assessment process of prospective pupils.

Exam provision for EAL Students (Year 3 and above)

All EAL students are eligible to use a bilingual dictionary during examinations apart from in the subjects of English and Modern Foreign Languages. An EAL student who has had less than 3 years in an English-speaking school and speaks another language other than English at home may be, in exceptional circumstances, eligible to be awarded 10% extra time in addition to the use of a bilingual dictionary.

The EAL Co-ordinator, in consultation with the Director of Learning Support determines the needs of the individual students. Not all candidates for whom English is an additional language will need to use a bilingual translation dictionary. Very few bilingual translation dictionary users will need to have 10% extra time. If use of a dictionary has been granted, this must not:

  • contain/display pictures; or
  • provide an explanation or clarification of words and phrases

Special Educational Needs and Gifted and Talented Pupils

The school recognises that most EAL children needing additional support do not have special educational needs (SEN). However, should a specific learning difficulty be identified, EAL children will have equal access to the school’s SEN provision.

If EAL pupils are deemed Able Gifted or Talented (AGT), they will have the same opportunities as any other AGT pupil within the school.

Equal Opportunities

We will provide equal opportunities to all our children, regardless of gender, race, language or disability. For more information about equal opportunities, please refer to our Equal Opportunities Policy.

This policy is reviewed annually