Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy

Last reviewed 21/08/2019

To be reviewed: 31/08/2020

SLT Responsible: Michael Wilson, Headmaster

1. Aims

The aims of this policy are:

1.1 To ensure compliance with the School's purposes. Cranleigh Abu Dhabi is a British curriculum school within an international setting, with a strong United Kingdom Independent school ethos akin to Cranleigh UK in terms of its values, curriculum and all round education. Therefore, it evaluates pupils for entry in order to ensure that they are capable of accessing all aspects of the curriculum and to inform planning for teaching and learning.

1.2 To identify and admit children who will benefit from a broad academic, as well as, all round education and who will contribute to and benefit from the ethos and activities of our School community. The evaluation of children seeks to ensure their happiness and well-being within the academic environment on offer: places are offered (or not) from this perspective.

2. Equal Treatment

We welcome children from different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. Human rights and freedoms are respected but must be balanced with the laws of the United Arab Emirates, our School community and the rights and freedoms of others. All candidates for admission will be treated equally, irrespective of their or their parents' race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, orientation, property, birth or other status.

3. Disability and Special Educational Needs

The School has limited facilities for the disabled but will do all that is reasonable to comply with its legal and moral responsibilities in order to accommodate the needs of applicants who have disabilities.

The School should be made aware of any known disability or special educational need which may affect a child's ability to take full advantage of the education provided at the School. Parents of a child who has any disability or special educational needs should provide the School with full written details at registration.

Similarly, if special education needs or a disability become apparent after admission, the School will consult with parents to discuss adjustments that may enhance a child’s experience.

4. Procedures and Entry Points

4.1 Entry into the Pre-Prep School: Children are brought into School for a Cranleigh Nursery (formerly FS1), FS2, Year 1 and Year 2 Taster Session. Previous school or nursery reports, as well as a confidential reference, will be required. Assessments or reports detailing Special Educational Needs or disabilities must be submitted. To be considered for FS1, the child must have their 4th birthday between the 1st September and 31st August of the academic year he or she will be potentially starting. Similarly for FS2, the child must have their 5th birthday between the 1st September and 31st August. For further information please see Section 5 of this policy.

4.2 Entry into the Prep and Senior School: Children entering Year 3 to Year 9 are invited into School in order to meet the Admissions team, complete a short piece of writing in English and sit an online computer adaptive evaluation. Children entering Year 10 are invited into School in order to meet the Admissions team, complete one hour papers in English, Maths and Science and sit an online computer adaptive evaluation. The result of the evaluation serves to provide the School with a clear indication on each child’s academic ability; this ensures that all children entering Cranleigh are able to access the curriculum on offer at the School. The School will further use the results of this evaluation for base line data following entry to track and monitor individual progress.

Overseas candidates: Prep School candidates applying for places in Year 3 and above will be asked to complete a short piece of writing in English and sit an online evaluation will be taken in the candidate’s current school under formal arrangements with that school.

A confidential report, including supplementary standardised assessment scores, will be required.

Assessments or reports for candidates with Special Educational Needs or disabilities must be submitted.

4.3 Entry into the Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13): Students entering our Sixth Form are invited into School in order to meet the Senior members of staff, complete two subject papers of their choice and sit an online computer adaptive evaluation which serves to provide the School with a clear indication of each student’s academic ability; this ensures that all students entering Cranleigh are able to access the curriculum on offer at the School. The School will further use the results of this evaluation to track and monitor individual progress.

Overseas candidates: Wherever possible, we encourage Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) candidates to come to Cranleigh Abu Dhabi for their evaluation. If this is not possible, they will be asked complete two subject papers of their choice and sit an online evaluation will be taken in the candidate’s current school under formal arrangements with that school. The entry process may involve an online interview.

A confidential report, including supplementary standardised assessment scores, will be required.

Assessments or reports for candidates with Special Educational Needs or disabilities must be submitted.

4.4 Prior to the commencement of the Admissions Procedure, all candidates must be registered. An online registration form must have been completed and a copy of the most recent school report and passport must be submitted. A confidential reference will be sourced directly from each applicant’s current school.

5 Candidate’s age

Places will be offered in the year group that the child is in according to the UK National Curriculum. The correct ages for year groups in line with the UK National Curriculum are as follows:

Age on 31st August

Year Group


Cranleigh Nursery (formerly FS1)





























The child’s date of birth, year group in their current school and discussions between the parents and School are all taken into account. Adherence to the Abu Dhabi Department for Education and Knowledge (ADEK) principles with regard to placing a child in their normal year group will apply and, when in doubt, ADEK approval will be sought prior to a place being offered. Children are not allowed to be placed one year ahead without ADEK permission and it is unlikely that this would be recommended by the School in any event, unless there are very clear educational reasons for doing so.

6. Special Circumstances

We recognise that a candidate's performance may be affected by particular circumstances, for example:

6.1 If he/she is unwell when taking tests or has had a lengthy absence from his/her school;

6.2 If there are particular family circumstances such as a recent bereavement;

6.3 If the candidate has a disability or specific learning difficulties;

6.4 If English is not the candidate's first language.

In any of these situations, we may request further information such as a medical certificate or an educational psychologist's report and any associated correspondence or details from the pupil's current school.

7. Disclosures

Parents must as soon as possible disclose any particular known or suspected circumstances relating to their child's health, allergies, disabilities or Special Educational Needs (SEN).

8. Additional Factors

The School is oversubscribed in many year groups. If we have to decide between two or more candidates who meet our admission requirements after all appropriate allowances and special consideration has been given, at the Headmaster’s discretion, we may give preference to:

8.1 A child who already has a sibling in the School or whose parent is a former pupil here or from our sister school, Cranleigh in the UK;

8.2 A child whose parent is a current member of our staff;

8.3 A child with a particular skill, talent or aptitude.

9. Places Offered

9.1 At the Headmaster’s discretion, places are offered and a ‘standard form of acceptance’ must also be completed. An Acceptance Fee (reimbursable against the first term’s fees) to hold a place will be required in accordance with ADEK guidelines.

9.2 Once a place has been taken up, as a courtesy to the School and other families holding out for a place on the waiting lists, a full term’s notice should be given in writing to the Headmaster if the pupil is to be withdrawn.

10 For a child to be formally offered a place, the following criteria need to be met:

10.1 All information supplied must be factually correct and accurate;

10.2 If currently attending a UK independent school, the school must be informed by way of a term’s notice and/or all financial obligations met.

11 Waiting Lists

11.1 At the Headmaster’s discretion, priority is given to siblings of current pupils wherever possible, providing they are of the required academic standard.

12 Register of Enrolments (Admissions)

The School will hold a Register of Enrolments (Admissions) on iSAMS (School Management System) and OpenApply (School Admissions system). This will include all the information listed in an easily accessible format. Admissions Records will be kept for each individual pupil on roll as follows:

12.1 Name in full;

12.2 Gender;

12.3 Name and address of the parent/s of the pupil, and in the case of a family whose parents live separately, an indication of the parent with which the pupil normally resides;

12.4 Age: Day, Month and Year of birth;

12.5 Day, month and year of enrolment/admission (or re-admission) to the School;

12.6 Name and address of last school attended, including the Head Teacher;

12.7 Day, month and year of leaving that school.

13 Scholarships

A number of scholarships are available. Please see the School's Scholarship Policy and Bursary Policy for further information.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Equal Opportunities Policy and Safeguarding Policy.

This policy is reviewed annually

Last reviewed August 2019

Michael Wilson
