References Policy

References Policy-Full School

Last reviewed: 30/10/19

To be reviewed: 31/08/2020

SLT Responsible: Michael Wilson, Principal

Usually, when pupils transfer to another school, they require a reference from the existing school. Requests for references should be sent to:

It is best to advise Admissions that a reference request will be coming. The application school should then email Admissions directly with the reference form(s). Please note that a fees check is made prior to completion of references, and fees paid must be up-to-date for a reference to be sent.

The reference is usually sent off from a Head of School or member of SLT/SMT, but will have the input of a number of people, primarily the tutor/class teacher and housemaster/head of year. Some references take a long time to compile, and the school cannot guarantee to meet reference deadlines that allow one working week for completion (this may take significantly longer during the holidays), but we will always aim to do its best.

Some schools require subject-specific references as well as general references, and they will be dealt with by the department(s) concerned.

References are always confidential. This is a condition of Cranleigh providing a reference, and it is very often a condition of the application school.

Reference forms are rarely the same and usually require all, or some of the following:

  • General academic standing/ability of the pupil
  • Whether the pupil has SEN needs and exam access arrangements
  • Predicted grades for those approaching public exams
  • Recent exam results
  • Recent reports (usually just end of year reports for up to the last two years)
  • How the pupil gets on with his or her peers and adults
  • The extent of a pupils extra-curricular involvement
  • Levels of ability in sports
  • Levels of ability in music
  • How supportive the parents are of the child’s education
  • How supportive the parents are of the school
  • Whether the pupil has been subject to any serious disciplinary sanctions
  • Whether there have been any safegaurding concerns connected with the child
  • Attendance statisitcs, authorised and unauthorised
  • Lateness statistics

The school will always provide references that are completely honest. It will always aim to paint pupils in the best possible light, and to emphasise positives.

Transition to non-UK schools

Non-UK schools are very much aware of the exent of different grading systems around the globe, and parents should not worry about whether UK-style grades are “understood” or not. If required, the applicant schools will ask for an explanation of grades, or a tariff. It is common for US schools to ask which the pass grades are, which the honours grades are, and what percentage of the cohort get each grade. They sometimes ask for a year group ranking on attainment.

Schools are very used to a global market, and how to communicate pupils’ abilities in a way that allows fair, universal comparisons to be made. Cranleigh has a track record of pupils transferring to excellent schools of international standing all around the world.

Open references

All reference requests must come from the applicant school. Cranleigh does not write open references as all of this information is included in the pupil's school reports.